
Pilots....clips for flight cases??

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I am looking for a clip to attach to a carry on suitcase so that my husband can attach his flight case to the suitcase. His suitcase does not come with a strap. I have seen these before but cannot find them anywhere!!! ANy clues??




  1. try here

  2. Try Scotty's Pilot Shop

  3. Take a look at the repair parts on the left side. A clip sells for $8.95. It screws into the top of their suitcases so I don't know what type of case he has or how you would attach it. You might consider buying a suit case from this site. I have 2 and both have lasted for 10 plus years. Easy to pull, even on carpet and less wear and tear on his shoulder and elbow.

    The company use to be called Purdy Neat Stuff. It was started by a TWA pilot, the customer service is great and the products are great too.

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