
Pilots liscense do you have one i do?

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Pilots liscense do you have one i do?




  1. I know a few guys on 9/11/01 who didn't have them!!!

    Yes of course you need a license unless it is considered an ultra-light.

  2. Jonn W...Question......How did you get a twin engine rating for Helicopter?

    I flew twin engine helicopters for years with my "regular" ole' Rotorcraft-helicopter rating. Unless something has changed in the last 10-15 years there is no such thing as a multi-engine Rotorcraft rating.

  3. Nope, my mom had one at when she was in her 40's.

  4. Yes, and others have mentioned, it is actually a "certificate," not a "license."

  5. Do you now......

    I have been a licensed FAA Private Pilot since 1970

    Was yours Issued by Microsoft?

    There was a poster recently that wanted to know if he could transfer his 2,000 hours of Microsoft Flight Simulator towards his flight time requirement for a Private Pilot ticket...

  6. No.  I was certified in the US.

  7. Yes, I too have a pilots licence.  Fixed winged, multi-engine up to and including turbo-prop.  I also have my rotary wing licence multi-engine (two).

  8. You spelled license wrong...and yes, I do.

    FAA: Airline Transport Pilot - AMEL

    LR-JET,HS-125 Type Ratings

    Flight Instructor and Ground Instructor...

    What do you have?

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