
Pimple help? 10 points!?

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kay so i had a really deep red inflamed pimple on my hairline. to bring it to the head, i soaked it in hot salt water. then, used two cotton swabs, on on each side of the pimple, to pop it (i read that that's the safe way to pop it). the, i put aloe vera gel and neosporin on it to help it heal. its still really red, and inflamed though. what should i do next?, or did i do something wrong?

thanks in advance!




  1. never pop a zit - it can leave a scar

    you should have just put toothpast on it for a couple of minutes then you could have put ice on it

    and you should start washing your face to prevent them

  2. Do not put eye drop on your open pimple! or any of them for that matter.

    Anyways the best way I an my 3 sisters and mother and grandmother have learned to do pimple is an this is kinda gross lol okay before you go to bed get some uncooked bacon the more fat on it the better and put in on the pimp and then put a band aid on to hold the bacon in place and by morning it will have popped or will be ready for you to pop it. not much pain and not to red.

    Toothpaste does not work!

    Nothing you can do now is going to make it go down or unred. by morning it should look a lot better!

  3. What the skin needs is a product that clears pores and kills bacteria, thus preventing hair follicles from clogging and turning into pimples. This is what you should be looking for if you want to get rid of those ugly pimples.

    Before trying any treatment, I suggest you read this informational source that listed the most effective acne treatments available:

    Good luck :)

  4. you shouldn't pop pimples, but most people do.

    they usually stay red, or get even more red as well.

    for now i would say get a cover up of some sort and don't try popping it again, because it can make it worse.

    you could try putting eye drops on it to make the redness go away.

  5. the best way to get rid of acne is to wash your face with HOT water, than that will open up your pores!! after that you should apply some rubbing achol wich will kill all the bacteria that causes acne, soon after your pores will also close up!!! your acne shold be gone in 2-5 days!! (depending on how bad it is!!!)

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