
Pimples, acne, blahhhh? I Got Some questions.?

by  |  earlier

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First question i have; is it normal to be having pimples since the age of 9 till now age 13?

Second; i have used many acne treatments none seem to help i've tried proactive,revlon,oxy,clean and clear, pretty much any brand, and they all burn some just make them bigger and swollen and sometimes leaves my fave peeling?

third; why is it that when i kill one of those monsters another one comes back the next day or two then leaves giant holes?

Fourth; is it necessary to seek my dermatologist?

fifth; how would you rate this, normal to serious?

last; i have them everywhere on my face nose, forehead, chin, under chin--this one bugs me, under my look closely you see million small ones all together.




  1. first: yes it is normal

    second: use st.ives apricot works great...i love it

    third:sorry not positive

    fourth:its not necessary but you could and you could probably get medicine or something to help


    i hope this helped :)

  2. First:  it's not typical, but it it's not terribly unusual.  Different people experience acne at different times.  The fact that you're experiencing acne this early is an indication you are probably going to more serious acne than most (unfortunately).

    Second:  since you've tried so many over-the-counter products, it doesn't make much sense to try more.  You need to see a dermatologist for more aggressive treatment (possibly Accutane or oral antibiotics) that would provide a systemic (inside-out) approach.

    Third:  It sounds like you're experiencing scarring.  You need to get this treated as soon as possible to avoid long-term additional scarring.  Acne is, unfortunately, a chronic condition for some people.  It doesn't go away for many, many years.  

    Fourth:  In your case, it does sound necessary.

    Fifth:  It does sound like you have a serious-to-severe case of potentially either nodular or cystic acne.  This really can't be effectively treated by over-the-counter products.

    I experienced cystic/nodular acne when I was younger, and Accutane was a true miracle pill -- it has unpleasant side effects, but they are temporary and tolerable for most people.  Only a very small minority of people have serious complications.  See a dermatologist for a consultation.  Good luck!

  3. the fact is that nothing gets rid of them.. theyll always be there. i have them and it sucks. dont burst them, cuz when theyre finaly ready to leave, you'll have acne scars left, witch is just as bad.

    time is all there is for them to go away. although, tanning would help. most of them will be harder to see and alot will go away.  

  4. Go into your closest Sephora.  Ask them what you need for your face and they will show you right away.  They know everything!

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