
Pinball Clemons Glove?

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A few years back, I think it was 1998, I went to a Labour Day Classic at Ivor Wynne against the Argos. Well my dad was friends with a radio broadcaster (pretty famous in the Hamilton area but don't remember his name) and I actually got to stand on the sidelines and watch the game. Well when a timeout was called Pinball came from the field and took off his gloves and through one of them to the sideline in frustration near the Hamilton bench. My dad managed to pick it up without anyone noticing. I was diggin through some old boxes and foudn it but i might have thrown out the ticktes ( I will go on a hunt for those). It even has his number written on the elastic and it's a little faded. Would it be worth anything today?




  1. A sweaty old dirty glove worn by a bushleague player....probably could sell on EBay for $1.49.

  2. Pinball Clemons does a lot of Christian Testimonial speeches and functions. If One comes to your area you could probably get him to sign the glove  and the ticket which would increase it's value.

    Sport collector stores for an appraisal. But ebay probably the best bet to sell anything.

  3. It's not worth a d**n thing. Pinball Clemons couldn't make it in the NFL so he had to go to Canada. Why would anyone want to buy something that belonged to a second-rate player?

    BTW, I do not like Pinball Clemons after he said "American by birth, Canadian by choice". He's an American, born and raised in Florida. If he doesn't want us, we don't want him.  You can keep the traitor.

  4. I think it would be worth some bucks.

    By the way dont listen to that redneck - Jeffrey S -. It not his fault that Canada is a better country to live in. Just because he dosnt want to be American dosnt mean hes not good or that the CFL is bad.

    Stupid redneck americans dont know what they are talking about

  5. I would suggest taking it to a sports collectable store to get an appraisal done. Either that, or put it up on EBay and see what people are willing to pay. I'm betting someone would pay some bucks for it.
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