
Pinching feeling on my right side please help

by  |  earlier

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Hi i seem to have like a pinching feeling under my right arm i dont know if it is coming from my shoulder blade, my arm pit or near my nipple.

It feels as if i need to stretch to get rid of it but that does not make it go. I only get it when i move like in a certain way its not like an ache or a constant pain its like an annoying pinching feeling. Is it muscular or something i should be worried about. I have had it for about 4 weeks now i think.




  1. go to the doctors, if it a pins and niddles feelin this could be a heart attact!  

  2. Every once in awhile, nerves get jostled around in your body...and sometimes they can get pinched in joints.

    If it's not causing you serious pain, I'd let it go. The nerve will eventually migrate back to where its supposed to be and stop annoying you.

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