
Pink Eye!! OMG! Help me please?

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I just got pink eye and it looks terrible! i have these eye dros but like when will it go away? i have school on Monday so just wondering?




  1. You need to go to the Dr. to get a special med. for your eye.

  2. It will prob go away in 2 or more days. I would do this...usually when you have pink eye, you can't open your eye in the morning and you can use a warm wet towel to put over your eye. It should help and use eye drops regularly and it will be gone in no time.

  3. you could use the tearless soap by johnson and johnson that is used to bathe babies...

  4. Conjunctivitis is usually cleared up within a couple of days, but it can spread from eye to eye.  Keep you hands clean and don't rub your eyes. Also, get rid of old make-up and don't use anyone else's. Also, it is highly contagious.

  5. Most likely regular drops will not cure it, but it depends on the kind of pink eye you have.

    Pink eye, also called conjunctivitis, can show up when you least expect it, and it is very contagious. There is more than one type of pink eye, and how you treat it depends on the type. If it is bacterial you need antibiotic ointment or drops. There is no particular treatment for viral pink eye. If it is an allergy that is causing your difficulty you may need anti-inflammatory medication or antihistamines. Frequent hand washing is crucial to prevent spreading the virus or bacteria, depending on which type you have.   There is also something called CLARE, or contact lens induced acute red eye. Sleeping in contacts makes the eye more susceptible to inflammation/infection.

    These links give basic information about pink eye.

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