
Pink Floyd or AC/DC.....?

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Pink Floyd or AC/DC.....?




  1. wow you were reading my mind

    those two happen to be my TWO FAVORITE bands of all time

    I can't compare apples with oranges

    both are sheer musical genius

  2. I love AC/DC, but they're nothing in comparison to Pink Floyd.

  3. There's no contest.......Pink Floyd!!

    One of the greatest bands ever!!  =o`)

  4. Seriously?......this is a joke right?


  5. Two completely different bands I love Pink Floyd their more talented and deeper into Music. I love AC/DC for their heavy sound and rocking beat.

    Sorry can't pick one over they other

  6. u better be joking,

    look, here's the deal, AC/DC lovers KNOW that PINK FLOYD's better k? AS A UNION THEY LIKE PINK FLOYD..

    sooo [ i ] and AC/DC lover woudl say...


  7. Pink Floyd for me

  8. Pink Floyd

  9. Pink Floyd.

  10. Pink Floyd

    EDIT:Congrats Rosie!!!

  11. Pink Floyd all the way!  They are so much better it's not even funny.

    EDIT:  Thanks Winter!  I'll see everyone in six weeks!

  12. Pink Floyd  

  13. Pink Floyd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Pink Floyd because they showed diversity and different song writing abilities and composition. I mean, how could ANYONE say they do not at least like one from song from 'Dark Side of the Moon'? Crazy. 'Any Colour You Like' is just mesmerizing.

  15. Definately Pink Floyd

  16. ACDC for sure. Pink Floyd is good but not that good.

  17. AC/DC

  18. Pink Floyd,no question..

  19. ACDC by far

  20. AC/DC!!! i LOVE them!!! but i also like pink floyd too! that was a toughie!!  

  21. Pink Floyd by around...

    oh, I don't know...

    10,000,000 miles? Plus a few more steps.

  22. I prefer AC/DC sorry Tom

  23. Pink Floyd by far!

  24. Pink Floyd hands down!

  25. absolutely and totally impossible question to answer

    there probably aren't two bands so diametrically opposed to each other

    i guess i like more of ac/dc's work, but it's impossible to compare them on an actual musical scale

  26. Definitely Floyd

  27. Pink Floyd    all the way

           thanks for asking

                                    J J

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