
Pink streaked CM day of AF......????

by  |  earlier

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OK I know am over analyzing EVERYTHING right now. I have been charting for 4 months so I know I have a 27-28 day cycle and a 12 day luteal phase. Af was due today. I have had NO period symtoms at all. I normally am almost bedridden from the cramps, my sister is also. The only thing I have been having is very sharp pains in my stomach like stabbing or achy. They come and go all day. This morning instead of starting AF I had some brown spotting when I wiped and the next time I had pink spotting when I wiped. Since then NOTHING. I am sure that I will start today but my temps are still high and I have NO PMS signs. I had my IUD (copper) out a month ago. Did anyone else have pink streaked CM and get a BFP? I am getting BFN, POAS 2 times a day.... :( 13dpo




  1. Me and you are on the same page! Still no AF for me either! I got my fingers crossed. I had the exact sharp pains on Monday, off and on, now they are completely gone. The day I was going to get AF(Sunday) I noticed some very light spotting when I wiped, but that was the only time. I am going to try a wait a week before another HPT.

    Good Luck, sending you lots of BABY DUST!

  2. Your HCG levels could still be too low.  You may need to give it a few more days. Test again in 3 days with a early detection kit if you can wait give it a whole week: ) *****Babydust*****

  3. that may have been implantation. give it a few more days and test with your fmu. good luck and baby dust. wish me luck too, i'm also ttc #3.

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