
Pinocchio' moral lesson?

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  1. This information was really helpful. I would have said the main one, found in all fairy tales, is the consequences to your actions moral.

  2. 1. lying is not acceptable

    2. others want you to live by the rules because they want you to do well

  3.  guest 11095766 , thank you . you help me for my activities ! 


  4. lie is so bad dont do it


  5. Don't lie and be careful to your words

  6. the answer of be mine was amazingly helpful for my report. ^^

  7. don't tell a lie!!!!

  8. There are lots of morals to the story Pinocchio so I will only name a few of the morals. There is no real main moral to the story but there are a lot of really important ones.

    1. Always listen to your conscience no matter how tempting it is to do the wrong thing.
    2. Always be brave, kind and most importantly unselfish.
    3. Never Lie.
    4. What ever you do there will always be consequences.
    5. Be careful what you hope for because it may be the wrong thing.
    6. The grass isn't always greener on the other side.

    I hope I have helped you but if I have not just choose your favorite answer that I have put down.

    P.S. I love this story I think everyone should follow its meanings.

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