
p****y, Small arms weapons trade in Africa?

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Whats the United State's policy on p****y around the world?

also, the US is obviously against the proliferation of small arms and light weapons because of the constitution (right to bear arms).

but what would it's policy be for weapons trade in Africa?

any possible resolutions?

thank you.




  1. Most weapons used over seas do not originate in the United States. Most are based off Russian models and are fairly simple to manufacture. Many times these weapons can be made in small shops or bought very cheap from militarys around the world. The same with rockets and other weapons.

    I don't think that the US policy for the right to bear arms has any effect on the US policy for arms trade. Keep in mind the right to bear arms is a domestic issue. One that was designed to give the US citizen the right to protect himself from enemies and government. Also remember the weapons used in Africa are military grade weapons(ie machine guns).

    The US policy on p****y is that the US Coast Guard and Navy will protect any vessel that is the victim and p****y, and will pursue the vessel as long as possible as long as it does not intrude into another countries waters. If the vessel does go into a countries waters, for example Somlia, the US will report it to authorities and request permission to persue. Basically a zero tolerance policy. After all the worlds economy's depend on freedom of commerce.

  2. Don't get it... how can the US be AGAINST proliferation of small arms and light weapons if it upholds the right to bear arms in its very Constitution? On what grounds can you say to Africans they DON'T have a right to bear arms while you allow your citizens to do so?

    Maybe I don't get it, but it sound a bit strange to me.


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