
Pirana and fish tanks?

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Can i put a pirhanna in a 10 gallon tank




  1. why would want a pirana? but sure  

  2. You "can" if you don't want it to live very long.  Piranha are shoaling fish and you really need to keep a minimum of three.  The **minimum** tank size for 3 piranha is 75 gallons.  Because they are messy fish, you'll need a filter rated for at least a 150 gallon tank.


    HAHAHAHA - you're talking about "common sense" and have to ask if you can keep a piranha in a 10 gallon tank????  WTF????  In thiscase, common sense isn't too common obviously.....

  3. you should probably get more than on since their fish that live in a group and you should also try to get a bigger tank.but if your thinking of getting other species of fish forget it,those things will eat a horse if it falls in the water.just keep your fingers away from the water.and hey it thus sound like a pretty cool idea!

  4. wtf r u trying to kill your self but yea

  5. ok heres the deal yes you can put a piranha in a 10 gallon tank but only for a few days or a week.

    A red belly piranha that is say 1/2inch long will grow 1/2 to 3/4 every month un till it 5 to 7 inches long.

    An adult piranha need noless than 29gallon tank alone.

    A 10 gallon will not work for long term. it would be ok for a baby piranha for awhile but not long term.

  6. What really funny is you talking about COMMON SENSE.  Do you know how big a piranna gets?  If you had any COMMON SENSE, you would know they need at least 100 gallons!

    Ok, ill try to be nicer.  If you want something similar to a piranna, but you want it to be in a smaller tank, you could get silver dollars.  They look sort of like pirannas and are distant relatives to pirannas, but they also stay a good size and only need about 20 gallons.  And you don't have to worry about your hand getting eaten off

  7. yes but you shouldnt. pirana's are often abused and shouldnt be kept alone. i think it would be too much hassle to have a ten gallon tank with one pirana. you wouldnt be able to put any other fish so rlly there is no point. it would be better and more worth it if you had a tropical tank with fish such as neon tetras. your options are more varied and it would be worth the effort to have a school of fish rather than one single fish that would get lonely. if you would like to do somr research on your options click on the link and go to the main page..
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