
Piranhas how do I make my piranhas aggresive?

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how do I make my piranhas more aggressive? Because whenever I walk to them they get freaked out.




  1. Pirahnas are actually cowards when it comes to agressive behavior.  In the wild they are ambush predators, meaning they hide until an unwary fish is nearby and then zip out and bite a chunk off the fish.

    I have kept pirahnas and they only exhibited agression when I tossed in some small goldfish for them to eat, then they chased them all over the tank.  Any other time when I tried to observe them, they were hiding in the plants.

    Did you know that the oscar lives in the same waters that pirahnas inhabit?  If you notice the spot on the oscar's tail, it looks like a large eye.  This developed over time to make ambush predators think that they were being watched even though their prey fish was facing the other way.  Pirahnas do not like a face to face confrontation.

    BTW, did you know that pirahnas are members of the tetra family and closely related to the vegetarian pacus?


  2. put your hand in the tank

  3. Piranhas are not the killers everybody things they are! They are actually pretty shy fishs. If you don`t want them to hide when you walk by you should move slower, usually fish get used to you after a while when you feed them and don`t hide anymore.

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