
Pirate job in minicab?

by  |  earlier

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how much fine and points can you get if you do a pirate job in minicab and get caught by c i d.




  1. Unless you're committing a motoring offence, like having no insurance or not having the correct hire and reward insurance, then your licence is safe.

    However...if you're caught committing fraud, my former colleagues will prosecute you for it and the resulting conviction may lead to a fine, prison or both. You may also be deported if not a UK national and you will have a criminal record which may permanently bar you from entry to some other countries (like the USA). You'll also be reported, prosecuted and penalised for not paying tax and National Insurance.

    There was a time when you had a fair chance of not getting caught, but there are now so many cameras looking for untaxed/speeding vehicles and insurance records are now computerised as are hire and reward vehicle examinations that you'll be unlikely not to be caught.

    Why not do the right thing and get a legitimate job? Even if you're here as an asylum seeker you can apply for a work permit after six months. By the sound of it you're a guest in the UK and politely behaved guests don't c**p on their hosts' table...

    I've also taken steps to report your Y/A posting to my former colleagues. They can easily trace who and where you are  (if it becomes necessary) and will keep a record of your question in case you do decide to go ahead with your proposed criminal activity. It's very useful of you to prove to have provided proof to my former colleagues that if you go ahead with this fraud, you'll be doing so in full knowledge that it's illegal.

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