
Pirates of the carribean? Will there be a fourth one?

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I was wondering if they are making a fourth one?




  1. Will there or will there not???

    that is the question.  

    I think that the third one was reaching.  They were treading into Waters unknowing... but,,,

    It was out there.

      Not at all like the other two.

    If they do do a third one I don't think it will get a good responses.  

         Where ca n they go from \rom where they are now.  Only more sci fi and more far out sights

    I just do not bielbelievet it will be a god enough draw to make a good profitable movie..

  2. I believe there is. I've done some research on it and I've found out from a few sites that they are considering it. The only thing though it won't have Kiera Knightley or Orlando Bloom. They both have said they aren't interested, but Johnny Depp and other actors said that they def. are interested in it. It's going to be about Sparrow finding the Fountain of Youth since that is pretty much how it ended in the last one.  It was supposed to be a trilogy, but it's made too much money and they feel they need to make more and continue the story. They had mentioned that it would probably start filming in or around the year of 2011. I hope they do continue it and I can't wait for number four. :)

  3. i hope!!!!!

  4. You know it's interesting that you put your question in this section. That's actually about the Caribbean! I've heard talk about it but i can't seem to find any sources the reason being it's too early to tell. I think they should because At World's End had an open ending. If you watched after the credits there's a scene where Will comes back after 10 years and he and Elizabeth have a son! I've heard many different things about what number 4 could be about including Will as captain of the Flying Dutchman and his child or about Jack and the rest finding the Fountain of Youth! There's so many possibities! I've even heard that Will and Elizabeth might not be in it. Not sure about Barbossa though. I've been a Disney fan for many years and even i don't know this! But honestly i think there will be though it is likely it won't be released until like 2010 or maybe even later.  

  5. Sure seems like they left it open for one.  But I haven't heard a word if it's forthcoming or not.  

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