
Pire pit Question? Would it be safe to dig a hole in the dirt of my yard and put rocks around it as a fire pit

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I don't want to buy a fire pit but I want it to be safe. I just want ro dig a hole and put rocks around it




  1. Local 3 year old fell in a burning one-- will be having reconstruction surgeries for all his growing years.  

    Nuff said?

    good luck

  2. Yes it is safe.  Just made sure you have at least 4 ft of defensble space around it and that no tree limbs are hanging over where flames would be reaching up to.

    You also want to check laws in your area.  Call the fire department in your neighborhood and ask them if it's legal to do so.

  3. Sure!  Make sure nothing in the immediate area is flammable.  Keep a fire extinguisher handy in case something bad happens - at a minimum, get the garden hose nearby when having a fire.

    Rocks are fine, but you may want to get a piece of steel to line the bottom of the hole with - it makes cleaning out the junk from the bottom a lot easier.

  4. I don't see why not. As long as it isn't close to anything flammable and you watch it until it goes out. It would be like a campfire. Cool.

  5. i saw people use bricks and then they would use a wire rack to cook on. yea, it will be safe, as long as its not too close to the house, or out buildings.

  6. As long as you are not planning on having huge, very hot fires, this should be OK. The biggest concern is any tree roots; especially dead ones, which can catch fire underground from high heat. If you have any sand, you line the pit with it to prevent this.  The only other concern is drainage, if it rains a lot in your area, the pit can become a pond, and stay wet for days after the last rain, making it difficult to start a fire, or keep it burning well. To counter this dig a small hole in the center of the pit, about 12 in deep or so, and then fill it with pea gravel, and possibly a trench around the perimeter of the pit, about 6 inches deep, and line it with gravel as well, before putting the sand down. This should give you good drainage and prevent you from having a mud pit every time it rains. That is the "proper" way to do it, however i have had many pits in the past that were nothing more than some rocks or bricks in a circle with the top layer of grass removed and they worked just fine for me. its all about how much time and effort you want to put into it. Hope this helps!

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