
Pirouette tips please?

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my teacher wants me to have a quad on my right this year and im not at all a piroutte person. it sucks because im better on my left than on my right but everyone else does right. i can occasionally do a triple and the right so any tips will help. thanks :)




  1. stand up straight

    tuck in your butt

    remember your four corners to face the front(both shoulders and hips)

    keep your arms locked

    your head straight

    make sure your feet are in the right position

    and spot

    hope i helped! :)

  2. Well for one, practice practice practice.

    Make sure you really pull up, use your center so you can have good balance and all.

    Also, SPOT. That helps a lot. And use your plie.  

    Make sure you're keeping your muscles nice and tight and in the right position.

  3. i have the exact same problem! Mine are better on my left side (i can do a quad) but on my right i can only do a double or a sloppy triple....It sucks...But what i do is a single pirouette stop then try a double stop then try a triple and just try to keep adding one on. The most important thing is to try not to think about it.. I have realized that if i think too hard about it i get really messed up... Good luck with your pirouettes!!

  4. Remember, your prep is really important.

    If you do not prepare for the turn correctly, then its not going to be a very good turn.

    While preparing run through what you need to do in a turn.

    Such as spot, breathe arms etc.

    but do it in one breath, so when you breathe in feel it go from your toes to the top of your head.

    I think its better to be good on both sides, so don't completly forget your left, but give your right turns some extra attention.

    Don't forget to perfect a single before moving onto doubles, perfecting doubles before trying triples and so on :)

    Good Luck.

  5. It's alright. I'm typically better on my left as well. I'm still working on getting my doubles worked to perfection. Just make sure you are always spotting. Don't use too much force. The momentum comes from your arm movement and spotting. And always think UP.

  6. visualize!!! take a minute or 2 to imagine your turns.

    Things to think about:

    - keep your weight on the front foot.

    - keep your stomach in

    - pull out of your shoes and hips

    -pull up through your back and neck

    -spot well (preferably something nice and large it you need glasses)

    my turns are terrible too!! so don't worry!!! this is what i have to think about in order to get my turns just right. don't get to frustrated, stay calm (i know it's hard), and take your time; these things don't happen overnight(!).

    HOPE THIS HELPS!!!!!!!

  7. Good firm starting plie.

    Breathe in as you turn

    Hold your frame



  8. I would try turning out your knee more because your knee whips you around and makes you do more pirouettes.

    I hope this helps!

  9. hold your center and spot. but overall balance is key, so work on springing up into posse and holding for as long as you can. (:

  10. plie strong

    tuck your butt

    high passe

    and spot!!!!

    keep your ribs over your hips

  11. *Lets start with your prep..its very important. Make sure that you have equal weight on both legs. 50/50. Make sure your plie is deep.

    *When You turn pull up, tighten your core, and make sure you have a high releve.

    *Spot your head.

    *Make sure your arms are strong, but not stiff, and make them closer to your body, make them circular, but not to far out in front of you.

    *When you turn dont twist or wind up (like figure skaters do)

    *Keep your supporting leg straight

    *When you turn pull up quickly and turn, so that you have a good momentum and can turn 4 times.

    *Tighten everything!!

    Pirouettes take lots of practice...and im sure you will get a quad!! Good luck and i hope this helped!! &hearts
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