
Pisceans out there?

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People say pisceans are very clingy in relationships. Being a piscean I don't consider myself as clingy. I need my own space and respect for this need of mine.

I sometimes think that we're misunderstood, you know like the weeping,complaining and maybe submissive type of people.

Are you clingy or flighty in your relationships? And can you please mention your moon signs too?

Me : Pisces sun / Gemini moon / Sag rising

Thank you :)




  1. im a pisces and im not clingy!

  2. i am too the complete opposite!

    however feeling secure in a relationship is important to me, i constantly find myself worrying.

    sun: pisces

    moon: taurus

    rising: virgo :)

  3. Maybe your Gemini and Sag influence your relationships a little more, because they are supposed to be terribly flighty, lol.  Not that you're terribly flighty, just less clingy.  :P

    I'm not Pisces, I'm Gemini, but my old boyfriend was Pisces, and he was one of the clingiest people I'd been out with.  In a sweet way, but none-the-less.

  4. Im a  Pisces too......nd ive been in a relationship for 2 years....dnt no if im i am or myb im not....mayb it jus wat love does to u!

  5. Hey... awesome, we have the same sun, moon, and rising sign. That's nice to see. : )

    Anyway, no, I definitely don't find myself to be clingy. I love being in a relationship and I think I can be very affectionate, but as you said, I definitely need my space and certainly need respect for this.

    It is very possible our gemini moons make us a little more no-nonsense than many other pisces. Our emotional side will be more evenly tempered with a logical, rational side.

    The sagittarius rising would also play a role in this, making us have more of a deep desire for freedom and space.

    I think some pisces that have more water and aren't more evened out with fire and air could possibly seen as more clingy as they could be more likely to let their emotions get the better of them.

  6. How can anyone believe in this nonsense, there are twelve signs and they are supposed to control the lives of the worlds six billion people just by the position of the planets or stars, each sign would then control five hundred million people and make them all of the same character with the same traits, does this sound likely? no of course not.

    Why the thumbs down, think about it, how can it possibly apply to that many people, if you really believe in it, you are deluding your self.

  7. I am born the period of the year you call 'Piscean', why should that effect my personality?

    It does not.

  8. I think basically what you said in your descrption of a Piscean is it in a nutshell.  I am a Piscean also and I am all of these things you mentioned.  Also relate to the own space thingy and also that we are too deep.  On a good note though I am quite a funny person, caring person and fairly upbeat person.

  9. i am a piscean and I am far from clingy. i am a introvered person.

  10. Pisces 9th house

    Moon: Pisces 9th house

    Ascendant/Rising sign: Gemini

    We do tend to be a bit of all of what you've mentioned, but most importantly, we're the emotional type. I'm not sure as to what percentage of us are introverted, but I most certainly am one (it's very easy to become a different person online because nobody can see us).

  11. I'm pisces. i get a bit clingy only in my depressed phases-like maybe once in a few months. more flighty.

    i would say i'm very independent, very introvert, not submissive altho people who dont know me well would say i'm submissive. I guess i'm submissive for the small things, totally have my way for the larger issues.

    Not at all weepy/complaining.

    :) there, just to prove it!

    my moon sign is Libra.

    hey all you fellow fish out there! :0)

    (I guess I should add that I have a bit of Aries-being born on 20th Mar)
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