
Pisces Man & Libra Woman...a possible love match?

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I am a Libra Sun (Aquarius Moon, Scorpio Mercury, Scorpio Venus, Aquarius Mars), and I have off-on dated a Pisces Sun (Cancer Moon, Pisces Mercury, Aquarius Venus, Taurus Mars). I like to include all of the signs when asking compatibility questions because I believe you can't necessarily judge two people off of their Sun-Signs alone. That's just silly and stereotypical! Anyway, the reason we off-on dated is because he is in the military. It seems that every time he is home, the attraction between us begins again, only to fade when I am out of sight and out of mind. We have decided for now that we should just be friends, as communication when he is deployed is very difficult. He gets home next year for good, and will live close to me, and we have the possibility of actually pursuing a legit, exclusive relationship. Based on the signs that I have provided, how do you see us long-term? How do you see us intellectually, emotionally, romantically, and physically lining up? Don't be afraid to burst my bubble lol...I can take it. I realize that I'm an "Air" and he's a "Water", and this can be a challenging mix, but...what else do you know?




  1. I am a pisces woman and I can tell you that unfortunately for us pisceans, out of sight really is out of mind.  unfortunately.  we are very flitty with how we do things.  we can tell you some of the most passionate, considerate, adorable, lovingest (not a word I know) things in the world... in the moment... and we totally mean it... while in the moment, of course when the moment is over, not that we dont mean it anymore, it's just that we meant it right then and there.  We have no idea what we will mean five minutes after we say it.  

    I have dealt with libra men before, i know you're a libra woman but you get where im going with this, it didnt work out... for me.  now your case may be totally different, but you have to beware of the piscean.  we go off into our own world and sometimes we "forget" what it is we are supposed to be doing.  We can sometimes "forget" to care.  Just being honest.  It takes a strong individual to see past these flaws and bring us back from out of the clouds back down to earth.

    if you're that individual, then by all means, go for it girl!  get your man!  but if not, remain friends (we'll always be great friends to you) and find you another man to put that energy into.

  2. s***w sun signs. Honestly. I am a female who was born with a Libra sun sign, rising pisces, and capricorn moon sign.

    By rights I should be so wishy-washy and shy that I never make any decisions. While I *do* like to look over both sides of an argument carefully, I am none the less very decisive, aggressive, and stubborn. While yes, I can be a good counselor to friends in need, I'm only sympathetic for so long before out comes my native bluntness and I tell 'em to stop whining and deal. I am NOT social and NOT interested in how I look. I am very much a tomboy, play-in-the-mud, eat-without-washing-hands type of person. The man I love is of Cancer sun sign, and we should rightfully be doomed. I'm bloody well not going to let "fate" stop me.  In fact, the person I should have been eminently compatible with was my ex-fiance(capricorn), and the relationship died because of communication issues (something sites say we should excel at!) and the fact that when faced with tough real-life situations he folded in on himself rather than try to rise to the occasion. This aggravated me to no end, and after a year of dealing with it, I broke up with him.

    So, again, s***w what the "signs" say about you. If YOU think it has a chance of working, go for it. If YOU think it won't, don't. Don't rely on how you are *supposed* to be, but rather how you *are*.

  3. This is the site i go to when i want to find out about these kind of things:

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