
Pisces Men Problems for me???

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Why do I clash so badly w/ pisces...even some females. i'm a leo and i've NEVER been able to see eye to eye w/ the majority of the pisces men i've met, i'm always attracted to them, i watch them and am in awe of their talents (especially musically) but then when i try to spend any time w/ them their personalities just irritate me for some reason. it seems that the pisces men i've met want everything to revolve around them. ppl say leos are controlling...sheesh, hardly compared to those guys. is this a common thing w/ them or is it just the particular guys i've met.




  1. Hate to break it to you sweetie but Leos are VERY controlling.  My mom and best friend (she and I are roomies), along with 3 other friends are all Leos.  All very controlling, but in a harmless way.  Usually it comes out as lots of little comments on everything or wanting people to be a certain way instead of taking them for how they are.  They just want to "help" because the way they think things should be done seems to them to be the most efficient/best for everyone.  Problem is Pisces do things not because it is the most efficient or logical but because it feels like the right way to us.  So give them leeway on this one.  Pisces and Leos can get along quite well, the Leo just needs to not control the Pisces (by controlling I mean don't do all the little comments about everything. Even if it doesn't seem controlling, it usually comes off as it.) and the Pisces needs to not let the little comments get to them and let the Leo have their moments in the sun.  Pisces do love to be chased in relationships and we like attention, lots of attention, which Leos also like.  My roommate, the Leo, is currently also chasing a Pisces male and the more she tries to make him be around or be a certain way for her the more he pulls away.  The chasing is good, we like it, but remember to share the spot light with us and to be willing to accept us as we are.  And we love romantic gestures.  We hate to be mothered or for people to try and change us.  My best friend and I have been friends for a very long time and early one she learned she couldn't do this to me, so she doesn't too much anymore which makes it much easier for us to live together.  If it seems too hard to share the spot light with these guys, then keep looking.

  2. My fellow fire sign I'm sorry to have to say this but pisces are a terrible match for us me being an aries I have dated a couple pisces even had some pisces friends and it never ever worked, We are a very strong sign leo/aries and pisces is known to be the weakest link. Pisces people will seek us out because they like to be led and we are leaders, even when you help a fish they will turn it around on you and say you are trying to boss them around (telling them not to do drugs/get drunk and put them self in shady situations with men they don't know) pretty bossy eh? we are the first sign they are the last...they're too over emotional and like to live in fantasy land uhg I cant stand them.

  3. I'm a Cancer and the last Pisces man I was around did only care about himself and pretended to care only to leave high and dry. The strangest thing is that I still felt bad for him even after he ditched me. I think they are waaay to self-conscience. I'm glad to say that I am more musical than him...not as friendly as he is though. He seemed to have a million friends that thought he was "the sweetest friend".  Also, that being said I had a very best friend "girl" that was also a pisces and she was the greatest thing that happened in my childhood. I love them...and hate them at the same time..but in the end...I love pisces..

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