
Pisces & Taurus?

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How do these two signs match up in a romantic relationship?

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  1. Taurus Man & Pisces Woman

    This is a strong match that has a very good chance of turning into real, lasting love. You are both passionate people who feel deeply about things, so you complement each other well in this area. You also share a passionate romantic side that will keep you both interested and attracted to each other. While you are sometimes a little bit quirky and volatile, you will be happier and more even-tempered in a relationship with a Taurus boy. He also provides you with a stability and strength that balances you and makes you feel more secure. The one drawback in this relationship for you is that he’s not the most considerate guy, and you will find he can be a little insensitive to your feelings and needs sometimes. However, if everything else is strong, this shouldn’t be a make-or-break problem. All in all, it’s a strong match that will be very good for you. (Source: Jellybean's Astro-Soulmate Guide )

    Taurus boy's loves Pisces girl's innate capacity for passion and understanding.  While he wears his strength on his sleeve, you choose to take the iron-fist in the velvet-glove approach, which is far more effective in the long haul.  Respect his need to be grounded, and a potentially wonderful match is yours. ( Source: FUNgirl - Astrology )


    Taurus Woman & Pisces Man

    This is a match that could bloom into true love if it lasts. Pisces boys are flaky dreamers who tend to float around in their own world, but your down-to-earth nature makes him a little more grounded. Your loyalty also makes him feel safe and cared for. In turn, he inspires you to think of everyday things a little bit differently, and his physically affectionate nature (he loves hugging and holding hands) will make you feel very loved. There are differences between you, but if you can work through the problem spots this could turn into lasting love. (Source: Jellybean's Astro-Soulmate Guide )

    Even though they're the lovers of the zodiac, mention isn't always made of Pisces determined side. Trust us: it's there.  Taurus is attracted to Pisces' charm, good looks and intellectual depth, and Pisces loves Mr. Taurus' appreciation of quality.  This can be a great match, as long as you respect each other's differences and celebrate them, rather than trying to change them. (Source: FUNgirl - Astrology )

  2. for pisces:

    Taurus is a loving sign by nature, and they'll enjoy your gentle compassion. Bulls are less threatened by you than they are by other signs, and they'll be able to soften in your presence, open their hearts and surrender to Pisces' emotional needs. Pisces sees the virtue of fine tastes, practicality and values in Taurus, and Pisces will be able to move through the currents of his or her stubbornness with an uncanny tuition and grace. This relationship has serious long-term potential, and will bring both Pisces and Taurus a great deal of physical and emotional enjoyment.

    for taurus:

    You're a practical one, Taurus, which provides just the supportive foundation a dreamy Pisces needs. Your watery Pisces thrives in a private world - a world of fantasy and imagination. Your Pisces lover is sensitive and compassionate. Sometimes, two signs who see the world so differently can't make it work. In this case, Taurus' down-to-earth sensibility and your Pisces' attitude toward love blend surprisingly well. Taurus' ruling planet is Venus and Pisces' is Neptune. These two planets play well together - both in the physical realm and the land of fairy tales.

  3. horrible.  Taurus belongs to VIRGO
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