
Pisces guys?

by  |  earlier

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i met this guy (pisces) that i feel I have a real connection with (im a cap). He's really romantic and sweet.. i trust him. He told me he liked me and coaxed me into letting my guard down. This was all online though, before he was an aquaintance. And so we went on a couple dates and he seemed into me... but this week I get the feeling he's avoiding he knew i was leaving overseas and didn't call to make plans and I called and he said he was busy. I know i'm overreacting, but I hate being unsure how he feels about me. I know if i confront him about it, he'll feel trapped, so please don't suggest that. Please just give me your opinion and I know i may be overreacting but i've been hurt so many times and for once i want to see it coming.




  1. relax totally.becoz first of all Caps and Pisces get along really well according to Astrology.

    the most probable reason for this guy avoiding u is that he isnt "avoiding u", he just needs a lot of space. Pisces need Loads and Loads of space and time to themselves.

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