
Pisces women seriously involved/married to Libran men, please answer.?

by Guest59608  |  earlier

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How long has ur relationship lasted? how has it been? thnx.

People who dont believe in astrology plz dont reply.




  1. I dated one for about 6 months. He was very pleasant and kind and took me to really nice places. Very intelligent. He just was not interested in me as a person, more just for the physical aspect of the relationship. He was a good looking guy with thick blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. We mutually agreed to break up. I felt I was not getting much emotional satisfaction out of the relationship. It's one of the few I've had where I remained friends with a guy for a while after, probably a year or so. It's been years since I've seen him or talked to him, but I still feel like I could call him if I had a problem or wanted to talk about something with him. I think they are too detached for Pisces women, or maybe I just wasn't what he was looking for.

  2. becuase she get macture at the age of 30, she can think right path

  3. I am an aries. but i know several pisces in my life.

    Pisces are unselfish.. to the point of where it can be a problem...

    Pisces also need to be needed.. they need someone who wants to be around them all the time... and sometimes even someone to kinda give them a direction...

    They are also very imaginitive... extremely actually...  and are always good for having a good time. they might not be good for someone that likes to think out decisions a lot... because a lot of times pisces for whatever reason just don't like decision making thats why they usually allow their more dominant mates to make the decisions and they'll just play the role of team player.

    I know some libras but have never really gotten along with them because i like cutting to the point and sometimes i feel that u either come out with more or u sacrifice some for others.. u dont always have to come out even.

    I think the fact that a lot of libras try to make things equall really conflict with the pisces natural urge to want to give....

    with a pisces normally the pisces will be the more giving but if ur always trying to keep things equal to the pisces it might seem that u are rejecting their love. they really just want u to need their role playing in order to really love u.

    Pisces are about feeling. intuition... they are unselfish but they  require a stronger personality that can make decisions for the couple... but pisces make up most of the people in my life that i consider to be nice to the point where other people take advantage of them....

    Although they do need a stronger personality... don't take advantage of them because they are usually some of the sweetest people u could know...

    Pisces also dont really like being strict or being made fun of. Its always best to talk to them rationally but talk about how certain situations make u feel. if ur honest most pisces will usually know and they will make an effort where u make an effort. they are great team players.

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