
p**s test, military. I can't go.

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So I believe I have this "shy bladder" thing and when I went to sign up for the marines I just couldn't pee in the company of the medical dude (he had to stay in the room when I did the p**s test). I tried several times but I just couldn't go. Finally after like the 4th try I got suddenly distracted by some song on the radio and it just came out, which was a huge relief as they were telling me i'd be DQ'd for psychological reasons if I couldn't do it.

So now i'm really worried about having to do further p**s tests in the future. For instance, I have to take one before being shipped to boot camp at MEPS and probably another one when I get to boot camp. I find it sort of odd that I'm worrying more about this than the actual boot camp. I just don't want to have some horrible reason like this why I would be kicked out of boot camp. What can I do?




  1. You have beyond a shy bladder. If you can't do a simple p**s test then i don't think you can be in the military. If a p**s test bothers you, then what about showers and such.

    You need to get over petty things like that dude.  

  2. You will have random p**s tests throughout your entire career; It is not just an entry thing, but a career thing.

    I had initial problems at first, but you just gotta relax and know that EVERYONE else in the room has to do it too and you will not be remembered by the medical guys.

    Also, you can ask the medic to run water (most already have the water running and dripping to help the flow) but it is something you CANNOT avoid so get used to it.

    Be aware that in boot camp and AIT, "A" school (depending on your branch) you will do random drug tests. A clue is that you will 99% of the time have one on return from extended liberty, especially during a holiday liberty, and that is harsh because you are not allowed to go when they get you up. You must stand in line for 2-3 hours awaiting your turn....I got to where I knew when to expect it and would get myself up earlier to use the bathroom so that my time in line wouldn't be so bad. Just take your canteen or camelbak and keep drinking while in line so when it comes time, it's pretty easy. Hope that helps....

  3. When I joined, the only p**s test we had was initially at MEPS, afterwards I don't remember anymore for a few months.

    And once you're in.. THEY WILL get it from you one way or another..

    unfortunately the "other" involves a catheter..

    but they will get it..

  4. Just drink a WHOLE lot of water before you do it, and ask if you can turn on the water faucet before you start trying too.

  5. Ask them to start firing live rounds 1 inch over your head. If that doesn't scare the p**s out of you, nothing will.

  6. Don't think about them watching - try turning on the water in one of the sinks - sound of running water might do it for you...

    you will get over it - not to worry.

  7. yeah that's awsom

  8. Yeah, I had the same problem too. When I finally did go, I was so nervous that I flushed the urinal (apparently a no-no) and got yelled at.  

  9. Try counting it will take your mind off of your surroundings

  10. Sounds like you have a problem. o.O;; Are you sure you wanna be in the military? Man up, man!

  11. Maybe drink two or three cups of coffee. After one I usually have to go about 30 min. later.  Or maybe take a water pill, they make you pee a lot, but maybe they won't let you have them in boot camp, and I don't know how long they take to work either.

  12. Drink a lot of coffee - it a diuretic, which means it makes you pee.

    Then when you are standing there, think of something else - like what you want to do that afternoon. In a minute, you will forget about the guy watching you and it will come out.

    Don't worry everyone has a little bit of a problem with having someone watch them go . Most of us learn little tricks like this to make it easier.

  13. You'll get over it. It was most likely just the nervousness of "someone watching". You'll get used to it and it's not all that often that you have to tkae the p**s test.  

  14. you WILL be tested frequently and yes you will be observed.  so get over it, or face the possibility of discharge.  

  15. Drink water.  

    Usually they do p**s test early in the morning and will have the latrines block off so you will have a pretty full bladder from the night before.  If you still can't go they will hold you there till you do go.

    Not sure about the Marines but usually once you get to your unit they won't really be watching you that bad.  Just try to relax and let it flow or tell them to turn on the facuet.

    I sure hope you can shower if front of others.

  16. Can you ask to have a blood test instead?

  17. Honestly this is going to sound rude, but practice man.  Find someone you trust (like your mom???) drink a boat load of water and practice until you just don’t care.  Seriously, you are going to have to take a lot of p**s tests, you don’t want to not be able to do it.  

  18. As an observer and and an observee, I've had good luck with either singing or whistling.  Don't know why but it works.

  19. When you are in it gets worse.  They actually have to watch you pee in the cup, not just be in the room.  Just drink a lot of water when they call you in for a test.  You will have to go eventually.

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