this 2 moron been here eating sleeping here for 3weeks and doing nothing, they are my sister friends, so i was like who gives a *** if they been here for long times, but this is ridiculars, bcuz i never do anything mean to them, and they pick on me, went to my room whenver they ***** want, laughin how stupid i am. so i told this to my sisters and her husband, they said i think too much. another day i was mad and didnt go to restaurant, they said wat happen to me, then those 2 moron said all fake *** stuff to my sister,and now my sister called me im not a "NORMAL PERSON" or crazy people....then from that day i keep staying at home and never go out, becuz it really depressed me, im so sad, my parent doesnt cares, they all know is this 2 moron can say whatever they want to my sister.....................................
edit: i put a virus on there computer, they dont know yet, should i *** up his computer and make him cant open computer forever? but they found out i do it,...and tell my sister and her husband, then my sister will kick me out of the house........ wat should i do? *** his computer up or just staying nothings happen and let them do watever they want........l.....