
Pistol pendant causes airport holdup? ( o _ 0 ) Your thoughts please?

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That's the headline from the Toronto Star which is reporting that Marnina Norys, a 39-year-old Ph.D. student in Canada, was stopped by security and prohibited from wearing her necklace into the terminal.

Last week, security officials at Kelowna International Airport in British Columbia forced Norys to remove a silver necklace with a pendant in the shape of a Colt .45 pistol.

The 2-inch pendant apparently was deemed a security risk.

"When the woman pointed at the pendant I had no idea what she was talking about," Norys told the Star. "They made me feel ashamed, as if I should have known that it was wrong to wear this type of jewelry."

An airport security official told Norys was told that replica firearms are banned from planes and that she'd have to check her jewelry.

According to the Star, Dave Smith, director of screening operations with the Canadian Air Transport Authority (CATSA), issued a written apology to Norys and wrote that the screening officer "made a judgment call, rather than refer to CATSA's standard operating procedures. In retrospect, your revolver-shaped pendant is not a threat and should have been allowed on board the aircraft." --Roger Yu




  1. As strange as it may seem, I understand both sides of this, but still, better to NOT do, say or wear anything that would get the attention of any security officer anywhere.  It's not that important to wear any necklace when you're traveling, I just prefer to not get held up by TSA for any reason, there is enough tension at the airport anyway, there is always someone being inconvenienced by something, you dig?

  2. The problem is that they hire people with no background in security or law enforcement and no education. Then they give them unlimited ability to make the rules up as they go. If you have a problem you will have to go public. There is no other way to get your complaint addressed. But then they will probably put you on a no-fly list...

  3. The average security agent is a moron.  I know one.  They are drunk with power and you should just smile and nod when one talks to you.  

    If you have a problem with this find a muslim and have them tell their fellow muslim, who are violent,  to stop being violent.  We have our rights just as you have your rights.  How would you like it if we went on a muslim hunting spree? You wouldn't would you.

    You might find this bigoted but muslim used planes full of people as high explosives!!!! They are your people get them to stop it already!!!! It is as bad as the Spanish Inquisition.  

    After there are no problems for a decade or so this may all go away.  Until then either stop flying or learn to be cattle.

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