
Pit Bulls are such sweet dogs! So why do people freak out when I tell them I own Pit Bulls?

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I have 3 pits. 2 males and 1 female. They are HUGE, but are like big babies!

They have NEVER shown aggression towards me or anyone else.

They'll l**k you and cuddle up to your legs. They'll even let our cats sleep with them in their dog houses!

I'd also like to add that they are all currently 3 years old, so NO they are not puppies, they are fully grown dogs and they each weigh around 150 pounds.

Why does everyone freak out when they hear I have pit bulls?




  1. bcuz theyre ignorant and judgmental.

  2. They freak out because they have never had the pleasure of owning one or the honor of being in the presence of someone who does for an extended period of time.

  3. they freak out because pitt bulls are knon for being aggressive dogs even if some of them arent.

  4. No offense, but if I had never met one and/or owned one, I would be a little scared too with all the media. its just how it goes.


    I do own one. and I know better. I have asked people why they are freaking out when I tell them the breed of my dog and i get a variety of answers. Media and word of mouth are the most popular.

    It's hard to get used it. its like when you walk in petsmart with your dog and people will pick their dog or children up, turn around and walk away.. its like "could you be any more obvious?? why dont you yell monster while you're at it! Friggin idiot!"   If I wanted my dog to look all scary, I wouldnt put bright colored shirts on her that just scream pet me!! haha

    150 lbs?! Wow, you may have papers that state APBT on them, but true apbts usually weigh much less than that. Like 35-60, give or take a few. Sounds like american Bully, which can be and sometimes are registered as apbts. Regardless, I'm sure they are beautiful. All of the bully breeds have those adorable smiles. :-)

  5. I thought so too, when i was younger my uncle had rottweilers and they were mean. So I became scared of dogs, but recently we got a dog a beagle. I did some research and saw how pits and rottweilers get such bad names, but I like them. Alot, I want a large breed dog one day.


  6. Because people are lazy.

    Its much easier to think what the media tells us, rather than going out doing our own research and coming to our own conclusions.

    These lyrics kinda sum it up:

    Don't want to be an American idiot.

    Don't want a nation under the new mania

    And can you hear the sound of hysteria?

    The subliminal mind **** America.

    Don't want to be an American idiot.

    One nation controlled by the media.

    Information age of hysteria.

  7. Because people are uneducated, and the only mental image of a pit bull they have is that of one on the end of a heavy chain, decked out with muscle and snapping and biting at anything.

    They don't WANT to see a friendly pit bull, they want to see the pit bull that ripped the face of of its owners infant son for "no reason". They want to see the pit bull that broke off of its chain and killed three children for "no reason".

    BTW, you have BIG pit bulls. The adult rescues I come across are usually 76-100 pounds.

    Back to the topic at hand, let them freak out. But do your best to educate them.

  8. People tend to be closed minded and not be able to form opinions of their own. So they believe everything the tv tells them. Poor little sheep.

    I think its funny that you say your little ankle biter is more aggressive. Actually seeing an owner of one admit it makes me happy. Small dogs ARE more aggressive. So wtf world?  

  9. I agree they get a bad rap. My pit was very sweet.  

    The breed is not supposed to be 150 pounds, however, so either your dogs need a diet or you got their weight in Kilograms or something.  150 pound is more than I weight and I am 5'9' tall woman.  150 pounds is a St. Bernard or Newfoundland sized dog!

  10. because people think that all pits fight and are horrible, aggressive dogs.  they are muscular with powerful jaws, and are perfectly capable of killing a person.  my mom thinks that, but really, aren't cats just as capable of killing?  or other dog breeds?  yeah, i would be more afraid of those little monster lap dogs lol!

  11. they freak put because pit bulls are known to be very aggressive dogs,and to be very good police dogs. that why

  12. It's because of the media. The media gets better ratings when people have something to fear, something that's interesting and exciting, something the people believe could save their lives.

    The APBT became the target of the media when people began to use them as fighting dogs. So, as the media does, made a report that got a uproar of rumors and lies started.

    In reality, American Pit Bull Terrier is in fact the breed with an average of an 80% temperament score or higher. That means the APBT is the best temperamental breed on average.

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