
Pit bull pups in apartment-will choose best answer?

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Would 2 pit bull pups be okay in an apartment? I read that they are active indoors, and can do fine without a yard. The apartment is only temporary until we get a house which we are now working on, and one requirement we have is a large back yard with privacy fence.

Please, any advice welcome...but please don't just reply to get more points or you will be reported. I will pick best answer!




  1. hi i am also a pitbull owner and she very active. i do live in a house. i think they will be ok in a apt.but you should fine out if it ok with the land lord because i know they are banned pits in most of the states. some apts wont allow if they do allow them.   do take them out and play and go to the lake and ect. because they will become bored and riped up everything in your home.

  2. Pit Bull breeders should be sent immediately to prison.  Those that buy them should be fined.  Why on Earth would you choose to have pets that have a propensity for violence.  I wonder how many people's pets and children have been mauled and/or killed by this particular breed?

  3. Pits are very active dogs and you will need to provide regular long walks and running to keep them from becoming anxious and destructive.

  4. Well it depends on how long it will take to get your new house if its a long time I would say wait until your settled in your new house.

  5. if you keep them active, walk them very frequently, and make sure they're well exercised, and they will be fine. try and find that house fairly quickly, but for now, the pups will be ok.

  6. It depends on how temporary the living situation is. Dogs usually adjust to the owner's situation and the younger they are when you get them the better. If you are getting young puppies, I think they will be fine in the apartment while you wait to move. You will want to train them very well. While they are babies, you will want to get them a large crate so they don't run around and mess up things in the apartment while you are out. This is not cruel and they get used to it as long as  you are consistent. You also need to make sure to socialize them well out doors while they are young so they are ok being in small spaces and also being around people. Pit Bulls get a bad rap but they are good dogs if you train them properly. When you get home from work,exercise them a lot so they can get out all of their energy from being home all day. Animals can have separation anxiety when their owners are gone or just get plain bored, which can bring on deviant behavior such as chewing furniture.

  7. First off, please do not get two males! They WILL fight and one of them could et seriously hurt. Two females or a spayed female and a fixed male is better, but pit bulls are best when there is only one. And sorry but no, an apartment is not big enough unless you are planning on moving out SOON! Also, they do need a yard.

    Best of luck!!!!


  8. brookeandjohn05, I like the personality of a pit bull. They are so sweet.

  9. Will you have time to take them for daily walks, several times a day? If you have the time to take care of them they should be fine for a short time.

  10. Umm well  if the two pups get along than yes but if they don't like each other you are dead and they will be too.

    good luck

  11. I don't see why not. Just be sure to take them for nice long walks. If it's availible take them to a nearby park and let them run around and chase a ball or toy.

    I have a Siberian Husky and a GSD mix. Huskies are not supposed to be apartment dogs but I take them both on an hour long walk two times a day, and once a week we go and run at the park. She is quite content with that.

    Any dog exercised enough should be fine....granted it's only temporary.

    I think your dogs will be ok. maybe a little more spunky than usual indoors.

  12. By the way, you can't report just because someone is replying just to reply.

    You can only report the person on abuse, if the person is not following guidelines.  i.e.being offensive, writing inappropriate comments, etc.. And you can be reported for threatening people, too.

    With that said, you can temporarily.  Just make sure you get them out lots.  And also check with your neighborhood covenants before you move into a new house.  Mine do not allow pit bulls.

  13. I raised my pit bulls in an apartment just make sure to give them plenty of exercise when you can i would probably crate train them so when you cannot supervise them they are safe cause they are a very curious breed lol  and make sure to have plenty of chew toys for them mine use to love cow hooves you can purchase them online or at a pet store  hope this helps

  14. I would make sure to let them out as much as possible. Make sure that they also have some safe dog toys or chew toys to keep them occupied so they don't tear the place up. (if they aren't kenneled inside during the day)

    I would turn on music or a TV to have background noise so it isn't so quiet for them. My dog loves it when I do this - I turn it to animal planet & he actually watches it!

    Sounds like you have a good plan for a house with a yard, so at least this is a temporary situation for you all!  

  15. i think they would be ok in an apartment but be sure to check with your landlord, many apartments that allow pets refuse pit bulls because of their bad press.

  16. You should first make sure that your landlord will allow pits.. much less 2 pits!

    Many apartments do not allow pit bulls..  and many do not allow 2 dogs.

    If you are allowed to have them..  then an apartment is fine, as long as you are willing to dedicate the time to training and exercizing them.

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