
Pitchers batting?

by  |  earlier

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This is a follow-up to a recent question, which asked if you prefer AL or NL:

I mostly watch AL games, so I'm not as familiar with NL teams. But in my limited NL experience, it seems like having the pitcher bat is usually a wasted at-bat. My question is -- are there any (good) pitchers active today who are actually good batters?

Additionally, I'm sure that there have been players who have been able to hit and pitch well throughout history. But I'm curious as to whether there was ever a time in history where the MAJORITY of good pitchers were also good batters?





  1. and the ultimate hitting pitcher, rick ankiel.  In fact, he was so good at it, he willingly gave up pithing to become an every day hitter.   Also great hitting pitchers are micah owings, mike hampton(what a name drop) and jason marquis.  Owings and Marquis are the only two i have ever seen consistently being used as pinch hitters during their off days(and not just to bund), which is pretty astounding when you think about it.

  2. CC Sabathia is a good hitting pitcher, Micha Owings, Cole Hamels, Dan Haren, Adam Eaton, Kyle Kendrick, Carlos Zambrano, Scott Olson....

  3. Micah owings is really good hitter right now, wainwright is good too, and as for ankiel, he didn't give up pitching to be a full time fielder, he gave it up because of the embarrassing performance in the playoffs a few years back
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