
Pitching Question?

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Ok, I've been working on my mechanics and pitching techniques qith my instructor since december, and my first "career" (I pitch high school) start will be coming up soon, normally I've played only as a reliever and pitched mostly fastballs and a few cutters to get out of 1 or maybe 2 outs. but now I'm going to pitch atleast 5 innings, and my Team coach said that he wanted me to pick at the most 5 and prefferably 4 pitches to use this game, because he doesn't want me to be out there taking ages trying to decide what to throw. So I have a lot of pitches that I know to choose from, so what would be a good combo of 4 ot 5 pitches to use this game? (I know most of my pitches are fastball variations)

4 Seam Fastball

2 Seam Fastball



12-6 Curve


and a decent (not that great) Changeup

so what combo should I go for?





  1. if your in high school, you should be fine with the 4-seam, cutter, curve and the knuckleball as a changeup.

  2. i would go with the 4 pitches you feel the most confident in throwing. location is just as important as pitch selection, remember to move the ball, up down, in and out. change speeds. if you get ahead, be smart, expand the hitter's strike zone. try not to be predictable, you can't go after hitters the same way you would as a reliever. take your catchers suggestions in pitch selection seriously. in fact, i would ask your catcher, what he thinks you should throw, if he is familiar with you.

    good luck.

  3. You didn't state your age. If under 18, stay away from cutters and curves. Your arm is still developing and the motion required for those two pitches could damage your arm.

  4. Depends...what are your 4 or 5 best pitches?

    Be sure to ask your doctor or your school's trainer if any of these can s***w up your arm.  If they can, eliminate them and throw the 4 or 5 best pitches that are left.
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