
Pitney Bowes stamp machine question...10 points for best answer!?

by Guest56301  |  earlier

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I am wondering if I placed postage on an envelope on May 29th does it matter if I wait to mail it until today June 2nd? Just wondering...




  1. I'm sure it'll be fine, but if you're really concerned contact Pitney Bowes or your local Post Office directly.

  2. Not really.  I had a postal employee get funny about it one time when I brought a thousand or so envelopes in to mail that were metered with yesterday's date, but she still mailed them.  Usually no one notices at all.  If the date they mailed is different than the meter date, they may postmark it with the correct date.

  3. As long as the envelope is POSTMARKED and it has a stamp from May 29th, it probably does not matter when you send it off. However, the postal company may maintain a check of when it received the mail, and postmark it after (June 2nd).

    But, as long as it already has a postmark on it, you should be fine.

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