
Pittsburgh Penguins Trade News !!!!!!?

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Malolne and Roberts rights are now owned by the Tampa Bay Lightning....what are your thoughts.




  1. i think the Pens are gonna get beat by their former players next year...why would you trade for an unsigned player is beyond me.   but Tampa is starting to look mighty good this season

  2. Hi;...

    Thank You

  3. I'm sad to see Roberts leaving but I never liked Malone, so I'm actually kind of glad that he's gone. Oh well. Tampa Bay still has no chance of winning anything, though.

  4. 2 words: Salary and Cap. Too bad for the Pens but great for the Lightening.

  5. It means nothing unless the Lightning sign both.

  6. Tampa Bay is lookin pretty good right now.

  7. Saw it coming ... not specifically Tampa Bay, just that Roberts and Malone were gone.

  8. Hopefully we can get them signed too! It is an awesome chance for the Lightning!

  9. My thoughts are....GOOD! hahaha. Go Flyers.

  10. Who cares?  GO WINGS!!!!!!

  11. Yeahh, i just got the article sent to me on facebook. i was scared to read it.

    But they have yet to sign them... So there still may be hope.

  12. TB is starting to look like they are gonna be serious next year if they can sign Malone. I think that Malone is the kind of player that needs to be around stars to have much of an impact and with Vinny and Martin he should do ok down there. As a Pittsburgh boy, I wish him the best of luck.

  13. lets just say im a little pissed off

  14. Good move by the Pens. Get somehing. Both were on their way out anyway. I say Malone's worth the money but I'm not the GM

  15. hahaha 2 of their best players???? WOW....


  16. Brilliant move when you actually think about it. Roberts flat out said he wouldnt return and Malone has all but said the same so if the Lightning can strike a deal with one or both in the next 2 days at least the Pens come out of this with some compensation. If they both just wait until July 1 and sign a deal anywhere the Pens get nothing,this way they stand a chance at getting maybe a draft pick or a prospect or 2 (they may be fringe prospects but some guys develop under new coaching....see Kris Draper, the Wings got him for a buck and he turned out okay). It may suck and hurt right now but think it through and be grateful the Pens management is forward thinking and trying to add some depth to the organization, in the cap era this is the new reality.

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