
Pixzza delivery?

by  |  earlier

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ON accident when i ordered in pizza i gave teh guy only 25 dollars on a 38 doollar order and i feel really bad. Should i go there tommorrow and give a 20???? I feel like c**p




  1. the right thing to do is go in and  give him back the money you owe him. it is the morally correct thing to do and also if you didn't karma could come back to bite you in the butt and if you do than karma could work in your favor.

  2. They didn't count the money when you gave it to them?  That's odd.  If you got away with it without them knowing, I wouldn't worry about it.  If you went back there and just handed them $20, they would think that you're the one who was odd.

  3. Absolutely. It will come out of his check and it is really the moral and kind thing to do.

  4. i bet that the pizza guy was in a hurry or he was scared of you but you should give the rest of his money back.

  5. I deliver pizza, and at my chain we have to cash out every delivery we go on when we come back. but all others they put the money is a drop box and at the end of the night pay for the orders and the rest is their tip money. so if he didn't notice chances are he works for one of thoes chains and he just bought you dinner. it's the right thing to do to go in and give it to him.
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