
Pizza Hut Screwed Me!?!?

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I got my kids a large pizza and an order of breadsticks yesterday along with a 2 liter. It was a half hour late and the order was incorrect. I wasn't there when the pizza guy came but my kids called me at work and told me that there wasn't extra sauce like requested, it wasn't half cheese half pepperoni, the breadsticks tasted bad, the 2 liter exploded when they opened it, and overall it was the worst pizza ever. I came home and only 4 pieces were gone. Normally, everything would be gone! By the time I got home, it was too late to call and complain, but they wouldn't even eat it. Can I call today and have them fix it?




  1. If you were to take the uneaten portion of the pizza and the rest of the pop in and talk to the manager I'm sure that a compromise would be reached.Be calm and do not raise your voice or talk bad about the company as this will not be helpful.Good luck.

  2. People call our McDonald's two or three days after the fact to inform us about incorrect orders or poor service. We still try and help them out. As long as you are polite and explain that it was too late to call last night i'm certain that they will replace either your order or your money.

    We can't always call at the drop of a hat, that's why we order out in the first place because we don't have much time!

  3. Call the store today.  Most restaurants have a satisfaction guarantee. If you still have trouble go to the web site and complain.  Or you could always call another pizza hut near you and ask for the corporate phone number.  Usually they put a manager on the phone and they will work with you to fix the problem.

  4. h**l yeah! call them back and tell them that you will not continue to do business with them if it ever happens again and you should also be compensated for the prior night.

  5. Hi!! I use to work at PiZZa Hut when I was in high school...Yes you can call 2day and they should give you a credit....If they dont you can look for the hotline on the box and talk to them.

  6. oh yeah

    i would deff call

    any one who doesnt do there job right should be corrected

  7. Can you? Yes. May or should you. No! If they ate all but 4 pieces it couldn't have been that bad. Take it as a lesson learned and move forward.

  8. I surely would call!  

    Ask to speak with the manager.  

    Make sure you get the manager, not the kid thats "in charge" and get him to give you a free pizza coupon or at least something that makes you feel like you are fair with the pizza company.  The last time I waited an hour for a pizza delivery with Pizza Hut, I called them (the said they would be there in 30 mins), I asked to speak with the manager right away and he took 1/2 the price off the pizza right away.  

    Just explain the entire situation and REMAIN calm and nice.

  9. Yes. Just call and explain the situation thoroughly and calmly to a manager. Most likely, you will be given credit for your next order. Remember to be nice about it, or they will be inclined to not care.

  10. Yeah, call and ask to speak with the manager and tell them what happened.

  11. pizza hut screwed u over bad

  12. well sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Today it would seem more like a complaint. They might redo it though.

  13. let them know what happened they would rather fix your problem then lose money ... this is why we no longer order pizza hut they cant get anything right

  14. Here is a link for advice on tips for bad service...

  15. Oh I hate Pizza Hut.  They are the worse chain around.

  16. You could.....or you could just let it go. It happens to all of us

  17. Yes you can call and they really cant expect you to still have the uneaten part of the pizza

  18. Typically the General Manager works during the day, opposed to night, so you can actually call today and speak to the person "running the store."

    Just explain the situation, but be polite about it. Don't scream, don't make accusations, just tell it to him like you wrote it here. Explain that you still have the pizza and can show him if needed. As long as you remain reasonable, I am sure they will give you a gift card or a credit for a future visit (to be used their pizza hut or another).

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