
Pizza Hut.....?

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If 20 large pizzas arrived at a house and no one is home, what happens? It costs about $280! I ordered it to my best friend's house from the internet in an account that is completely random and could not be linked to me. This is a good prank, right? What would the pizzeria do and the pizza boy do?




  1. It would actually be extremely simple to trace it back to you.

  2. sell them to people in the neighborhood or sue your friend for buying many and not being home

  3. I don't believe Pizza Hut would deliver 20 large pizza's without at least a phone call to confirm. Stop Lying and get back to cbeebies.

  4. All Pizza Hut would have to do is check your IP address and they could trace it back to you.  I'm sure someone could do it.

  5. that is not funny it is imature! they can easily trace it back to u so haha! and that is more mean than funny!

  6. It's a stupid prank.  Any business should call first to make sure it isn't a prank.

  7. ur an idiot. find a prank that doesn't cost someone their hard earned money!!!!!!!!!

  8. No its not funny. Your friend is going to answer the door when the pizza guy shows up and say I didn't order any pizzas. The delivery guy will leave and the pizza company will be stiffed for the cost of the food. This is childish and uncreative, I'm sure if you'd given this any thought you would have concluded that it was stupid. I mean really couldn't you have done anything more creative then this?

  9. Ehh it's an okay prank. But it's only funny when you call Pizza Hut, Pappa Johns, Domino's, Sir Pizza, and any other local pizza company. Have them all order three large pizza's. Just three so they wont think of it as a prank. Then make sure you can see his house so you can watch him suffer. Haha loser.

  10. that's mean because ur doing it to ur best friends house
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