
Pizza Man......?

by  |  earlier

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What would happen if you ordered a pizza for delivery, and when the pizza man came, you didnt have any money? What would he do?

or If you ordered something at a resteraunt, and when you got the bill, you didnt have any money....


Has anyone had an experiance like this before??




  1. maybe offer the pizza guy a one night stand and if u're at a restaurant, er....go do the dishes or something

  2. He would leave or call cops

  3. Not having money to pay the bill happens.  If in good faith you promise to come back and pay the bill at a restaurant then come back and pay for your meal.  But if you order a pizza, and can't pay for it.. it returns to the pizza place, and usually is destroyed or eaten by the staff.  If you order a hamburger and have no money you don't get the burger.

  4. you shouldn't ever have to worry about that, unless you're some stingy cheap low life

  5. Well one time i heard that the owner made them work after a little while when the people didnt pay and if you ordered a pizza  and you didnt have the money then the guy would leave......with the pizza!!!

  6. i wouldn't know I'd never go out to eat or order pizza if i didn't have money to pay for it

  7. I used to deliver pizza when I was in junior college.  If someone didn't have money then they didn't get the pizza.  We'd either eat the pizza back or send it to the police department for some good PR.
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