
Pizza hut employed me at 16 to serve alcohol! what can I do?

by  |  earlier

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Pizza hut recently employed me to become a waitress....On my first training day I was serving glass beers/wine etc....

Can I do anything about it? (I have since quit)




  1. you should have not told them and got drunk on the job........................................ once uve been kicked out....make the point

  2. Nothing because it is not illegal.

    You are aloud to bring drinks to tables because that is what waitresses do. You are just not aloud to work behind the bar.

    Where alcohol is served with food (e.g. by a waiter/waitress), there is no minimum age.

    When alcohol is served on its own (e.g. at the bar) any person under 18 must have permission (for that particular sale) from a licensee (or any other adult designated, as being allowed to give permission, by the licensee). The situation is similar to what happens in supermarkets when a check-out assistant, under 18 years old, sells alcohol. He/she can do so, but must seek permission from an adult colleague. (The store manager can't give 'blanket permission' to the young person. Every sale has to be individually approved).

    You should have had a look at the rules before you quit.


  3. Trading Standards ??

  4. If you have quit then you don't have to worry,

    but is against the law!!

  5. This is not illegal.

    A person who is under 18 can serve alcohol if they are supervised - if they are serving it with a meal then then they don't even have to be directly supervised.

    You would have been better off asking your boss before you quit, they would probably have been able to explain the rules to you. You can't report the restaurant to anybody because they haven't broken any rules, unless you were left behind a bar on your own.

  6. Someone made a mistake.  You could get the restaurant into trouble, but that could hurt a lot of innocent people (the workers who lose their jobs if the restaurant closes).

  7. Why do you want to do anything about it? .... If you have a grudge against them though, you can report them to the liquor licensing agency for your city

  8. I would remind them that you are only sixteen and that they can be fined a substantial amount of money if they continue this practise.

  9. its against the law! if u'v quit then u dont need to worry maybe you should tell your parents and see what they think. x

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