
Pizza online!.....?

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Does anyone here love ordering pizza online at I LOVE IT haha im so lazy




  1. I love being able to order online and no, it isn't just for the lazy! It comes in handy when a household had only one car, or if one doesn't have a home phone!

  2. I've never ordered pizza online.  For some reason, I like the old school way of calling then picking it up in 45 minutes or having it delivered.  Both options are pretty much the same but I still do it the old fashioned way.

  3. nope never have ~

  4. I don't order pizza online.  I live in walking distance (two blocks) of a couple of pizza places and they'll deliver for free once they realize they can just walk to deliver.  I usually just throw on some shoes and go down there myself though, so I don't look lazy.

  5. i've never done it but that sounds cool.

  6. i have never tried it

    but it sounds good

  7. I do it a lot. I actually prefer it because...

    1) You don't have to wait forever for someone to pick up the phone.

    2) They won't put you on hold.

    3) People make more mistakes with your order over the phone. When you order online, the store gets the order the way you want them to see it written down because there's no 'middle man' to s***w it up.

    I usually order from either Pizza Hut or Papa John's, though. Pizza Hut because my wife likes their thin crust, Papa John's because I like the pepperocinis and the garlic butter dipping stuff.

    I avoid Domino's because I can't taste a difference between their pizza and the box it comes in. Domino's is just bland, imo.

    Great, now I have this sudden urge to order a pizza, LOL. Thx a lot! 8P
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