
Pizzas in milan...?

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going to milan at the weekend...anyone know where the best pizza restaurant is?




  1. I live in Milan,

    you can go to LA TAVERNA, situated in Via Anzani 3

    a nice place is also RISTORANTE PIZZERIA da NASSAR, in via Cadore 25

    Another place is PIZZERIA DA CHARLIE, in Via Morosini 25, but is a little bit explensive.

    to Blue_daff2005: what you say? We always eat pizza! Pizza is almost like an American hamburger : it's perfect because is cheap, fast and taste! Most of the student goes after the school to eat pizza for lunch!

  2. Plenty of restaurants around The Duomo but expensive try to go out  of the area a bit. ( unless you are filthy rich) lol

    Buon appetito!

  3. I'm italian, and I can say that Pizza is good anywhere!!!!

    to Blue_daff2005:

    Italians always eat pizza!

    We love pizza, We love GOOD pizza!!!!

  4. You have to go where the most tourists are...Italians don't eat pizza very often...and never for lunch etc.

  5. Absolutely anywhere. The pizzas that any resturants serve are MASSIVE and they are very cheap too. Just look for any italian resturants and you will enjoy :)
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