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Well, here's the deal..I'm a senior at high school and want to major in International Business once I graduate. The thing is, I'm really interested in having some international experience, so I thought about studying abroad. I don't want to study in China or India, so I thought about going to New Zealand. The national language in New Zealand is English and it's where I live too, here in Canada. I do plan to master a language when I attend university, but first I have to decide where I want to. So, I'm really leaning against going to New Zealand. Do you think it's a good idea? I mean is there really a point in going, when I can just take International Business here in Canada? or do you think the international experiece will be really advantageous?? I'm very confused, please try to help me and give me any relevant advice. thanks a lot!!!!




  1. If you want to study for an international  degree in International Business then it is to your advantage to have some first hand international experience. Most decent Masters programmes will also incorporate some international experience. A traveled mind is a broadened mind. What language do you plan to master. I suggest you go for mandarin and use the  Chinese international courses in business language as a part of your undergraduate degree. China is the business engine of the future and it is going to influence all other countries.

  2. in my opinion,i think it is a good idea because having international experience is good thing for your career..

    just come back after your done in new zealand..

  3. I think you would be better off getting your degree in the country where you plan to work ad live. Being as you are Canadian, I would start by getting at least your first degree in Canada.  Then once you have explored some languages and finished your first degree, you could perhaps apply to do your masters in new Zealand if the idea still appeals to you.  In the mean time you could consider applying for summer work programs in other countries, where you could put your training into practice- if even on a volunteer basis.  Countries like new Zealand and Australia have a fairly relaxed approach to summer students working their way. You might not get better than a nanny job or a job shearing sheep, but you still learn something about the culture doing this.  You want to keep your options open in your own country, too.

  4. Why don't  you try Ben Franklin's pro and con list strategy?  Get a sheet of paper and write PRO on one side and CON on the other.  List all the pros and cons of studying abroad, and see what you find.  Someone else really can't tell you what's right in a situation like this.  At some point, international experience will be important, but that doesn't mean that you have to leave home now.  Adjusting to college is a big thing, even if you stay in Canada.  Don't freak out - - you'll figure out the right thing.  The good news is that, even if you make the wrong choice, you can always drop out (wherever you are) and start again in a different college. It won't be tragic to make a mistake!   Whatever you do, good luck!!

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