
Place of Birth Stated..?

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I am in the process of tracing my family history & compiling a family tree.

Using UK census and BMD records I have traced back to my Great-Great-Great-Grandad however am now stuck.

The place of birth/born is stated as: 'Grumboch-Nat British Suspect, Preußen'

What does this mean please?




  1. Sounds Germanic to me Prussian perhaps?

    naturalised British subject check out index of an atlas for the town city etc

  2. I imagine it means Grumbach in the then province of Prussia?

    It depends on what year you are talking about, but i would think they were British Nationals living there, maybe in an Embassy, or military camp or something?

    See if you can find out what British presence was in Prussia around that year...

    Hope that helps!

    Good Luck :)

  3. I agree with Bigredan. (Welcome...)

    Grumbach - Prussia

  4. Place of Birth: Grumboch, I think this is Grumbach in the Rheinland

    Nat British Subject - Naturalised British Subject

    Preußen - Prussia

    So he was born in the German town of Grumbach

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