
Placebo time and no sign of period what does it mean?

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its my first pack of Diannet and i have started it from the day 5 of my period for 21 days now im on day 6 of placebo and no period is it normal? my body need to adjust?

today i had spoting but no period what should i do? start new pack tomorow?




  1. Keep on with the pills as directed.

    This is common when you first start contraceptive pills, so don't worry. It happened to me too.

    It usually does what it has done with you, and just spots. If it carries on spotting next time, then you need to go to the doctor or whoever prescribed them to you.

    Some types and brands of the pill do not work as well for some people, and some people experience constant periods, constant spotting or no period at all. The latter is no problem, and will not need intervention by a doctor, but obviously constant period and constant spotting can be a pain, so if this happens to you, go back, and they will put you on a different type.

    When i went back to my doctor about mine, they started me on a new type of pill which works with the menstrual cycle, and had no placebo pills, as each pill contained a different level of progesterone and oestrogen to mimic the usual hormonal cycles a woman has.

    So firstly, don't worry about it now, but if it carries on and is the same next month, then take a trip back to your doctor for some advice :)

  2. I think you are right your body just needs time to adjust.  I have been on bc for 10 years and it can make your body do lots of crazy things.


  3. It is completely normal to have irregular periods for the first few months, so just keep taking the packs as instructed. DO NOT SKIP ANY PILLS!!! That will cause you to not be protected. Just stick through it. Good Luck!

  4. kepp with your same pills. Your body needs time to adjust to the new chemicals in your body. When you stop the pills *(done with the pack)* give it a couple days to start your period.

  5. just keep going. it can take ur body months to adjust to a new drug being put into ur system. its foreign, so ur body doesnt know what to think yet. just keep takin them and your body will be fine again. trust me. i had the same prob. after about 3 months, if it hasnt settled down, call ur ob-gyn back and let them know. they may need to change the dosage. you will have the same probs tho once you stop takin it. i took them for 5 years. took me 4 months to regulate at first, and almost 6-7 months after i stopped. just hang in there. your ok.  

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