
Places related to Shakespeare in London?

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I have to do an assignment for English which is to make an itinerary for our teacher when she goes to London, England.

She wants to go to a few nice restaurant and places but wants there to be a lot of Shakespeare related things. Maybe 7 or so. She is already going to see 2 plays at the Globe Theater so skip the Globe for now




  1. Very little of Shakespeare's London now remains.  The Globe Theatre is on the south bank, Bankside, and is a reconstruction very near to where it was originally.  There are some signs still indicating where the Bear Fighting pits were, and you can still walk eastwards to the Golden Hinde, the Clink Prison and what were called the stews of Southwark.

    Bear in mind that the London Shakespeare knew was located in what we now call the City.  London had its gates, like Aldgate, Bishopsgate, Newgate, etc, but nearly everything has disappeared. A good place to go is the area of the Inns of Court, where there is still some history left.  

    I hope these sites will help:

    Sorry - I'm having a bit of trouble copying and pasting links, but this will work, I hope:

    You could always try a "Shakespeare Walk":

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