
Places to go/ things 2 do in Melbourne, Australia?

by  |  earlier

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im looking for interesting festivals/ resturaunts/ places to see/ things to do in melbourne (prefferably around the city area) for me and my boyfriend's 2yrs. we've been to the zoo and aquarium, it doesn't nesessarily have to be romantic. we are going out this saturday,but have no ideas. help please?





  2. go walking around the CBD, sure there are plenty of interesting lane and shops. catch the city circle, hop on and off along the way.., enjoy the scenery... Melbourne... it's not enough only to spend on your saturday... has to be more..

    enjoy Melbourne like i do.

  3. Hi,

    Well if it is nice weather, like it has been, grab a picnic basket or some salad & BBQ meat, go to St Kilda Beach, make a day of it, if you dont want to go there, get up early & go for a drive to sorrento or Rye, or some other beach, if you can, stay up there the night. If this is out of the question, get up early, go some where in St Kilda for breakfast, go to the beach & just chill, go for a walk along the beach. I'm sorry if I am not much help, I live in Melbourne too, your choices are limited.

  4. try looking at this site for ideas

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