
Places to stargaze near Denver?

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I'm looking to go get a good view of the city lights and check out the night sky. Any suggestions as to where I can go to do this? I'm assuming Genesee Park is one place--is there a view of the Denver cityscape there?




  1. Red Rocks and Lookout Mountain,  Not sure about Genesee Park

  2. I know a good choice is Look Out Mountain (where Buffalo Bill is buried which stands over the city of Golden... just judging by what I've seen around here, it's almost impossible to get a really good view of the stars and a good view of the city lights below. I don't think the two mix well. You can get a decent view of the stars and a good view of the city, though. And also, the city sky scrapers will be pretty small if you go too far into the foothills, but the suburban expanse is clear enough from a good distance away.

    I'm not sure about Genesee Park, I'm afraid... I'd still go with Lookout Mountain, myself.

  3. I will parrot the answers of the majority. Lookout Mountain near Buffalo Bills grave is awesome for staring at the stars. Have fun.

  4. Well, if you want to stargaze, you need to get AWAY from the city lights.  

    See, the city lights are much brighter, because they are closer, and they make your pupils close up, so that you can't see the stars as well, because the pupils need to be dilated in order to see things as faint as stars.  

    Now, if you REALLY want to see the stars, come up to Dillon, and get out of the lighted area.  THAT'S where you see the stars in their infinite glory!  

    It's almost like being camping every day of the year!  

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