
Placing a subwoofer .....?

by  |  earlier

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when i visited universal studios i notice that all their speaker's are on the side and on the selling

even their HUGE subwoofers'''.. so is it better to put a woofer on the selling of a room....? than on the floor ( in a house )




  1. I assume you mean ceiling and not "selling".  The sub you saw was called an IB Sub or Infinite Baffle Sub, and yes they are better than standard subs.  They don't have baffle walls to muffle the sound and add distortion, but do require a large hole in the ceiling and in some cases many holes.  I have seen IB subs where people have put four 18" drivers all hooked up to 2000 watt 4 ohm amps and the deep bass is incredible.  They are not expensive at all to build, but require holes cut into the ceiling or wall to achieve.

    Internet Direct subs like Hsu, SVS, Epik or ED subs are some of the best "box" subs out and will beat out any sub bought in stores.

    Placement is different for every room, so placement is key and dependent on each room to get the optimum in sound.  Where I place my sub in my room will vary greatly on your room, depending on furniture, wall placement, flooring and even the ceiling.

    With a good sub and proper placement, you can achieve great bass without having to go the IB route,  but if serious about bass, than an IB sub can be placed anywhere.  I have seen IB subs in floors, ceilings and walls.  Bass is omnidirectional so what you are trying to do is avoid null voids while filling an entire room with room filling bass.

    I have 8 subs in my main HT room.  Four active and four passive and the sound is incredible and I didn't need to go to the IB route at all.

  2. My son take it from me i am a dj put them wereever u want but make sure they are mounted right and u could also just put one in each room  

  3. it is probably better to put it on the floor.

  4. refer this;...

    hope this helps.

  5. putting a subwoofer in a corner of the room usually makes a big difference..

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