
Plagued by irrational thoughts...?

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I've always been known as the "worry wart" but things are going to a whole new level.

I keep on having these irrational thoughts about EVERYTHING. From thinking I'm going to get fired from my job on a daily bases, to worring about my boyfriend and family getting hurt/killed.

Its so stressful for me and I dont know how to stop these thoughts!

I'm currently taking Effexor XR 150mgs and lamictal 100mgs. Does anyone have any advice? Or know of any medications that I can talk to my doctor about? thank you




  1. As a layman, your description sounds like a textbook case of GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder).  This is characterized by having excessive thoughts about 'normal' things, but they are repetitive and cause you anxiety.  

    I read a really good book on this once, and it said that GAD is really a close relative of OCD; only difference is that the thoughts in GAD are more 'rational' than OCD.....but stem from the same root cause: Fear of Uncertainty.

    The treatment mentioned in the book is exposure......accept the uncertainty. Don't try to fight the WITH the distress....ACCEPT it.  FACE THE FEAR. You may need a loop tape that says, "I accept that I might get fired...." - the idea being that your brain will habituate over time.  It gets bored by the repetitiveness of the exposure. Anxiety increases at first, then decreases with exposure.

    An anxiety disorder specialist may help you. CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) is the clinical term. Exposure is a branch of it. Get in to see someone who can give you a definitive diagnosis.

    You may get by with behavioral therapy (exposure) without medication. Some people like meds....personally i don't like them....but everyone is different. Your doctor can determine the best treatment for you.

  2. See a mental health professional a.s.a.p please don`t wait. These are psychotic medications they are not to be taken lightly, do not experiment on what you think will make you feel ok only a doctor can help you with this. Please get off the computer and get on the phone to get yourself in.

  3. Get off of Effexor, if you ever want to come off of it you basically have to detox like a heroin addict. And, it causes seizures.

    From the sounds of it, you have OCD. Try intensive therapy, and try and stay away from drugs if you can, unless you have anxiety, in which case Xanax, Vistiril, or Trazidone are good options.

    Hope that helps, feel better.

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