
Plan B day after pill question girls plz answer!?

by  |  earlier

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ok so the condom broke so i took the pill about 15 hrs after intercourse i took it at 340pm because that was the only time i had a chance to take i have to take 2nd pill 12 hrs later since 12 hrs later is 340am i fell asleep and i just took it but I'm an hour late i did 13 hrs later is this ok or will it not work now that i took a hour longer more!!?? plz answer question if you have knowledge on it...i really am worried




  1. Don't panic. Wait another week or two because nobody's periods are on the dot normal. If you are more than a week late, take a pregnancy test. If you are too paranoid about this, maybe you shouldn't be having s*x. You know the consequences...

  2. It'll probably be ok, don't worry.

    It says here you can wait as long as 24 hours to take the second dose:

    Did the pill come with an info leaflet about it? That'll probably confirm.


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