
Plan La Caixa and the Red Cross to assist vulnerable groups

by  |  11 years ago

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La Caixa and Spanish Red Cross today agreed to promote a partnership between the social programs of the two institutions to improve care for groups at risk of social exclusion or situation. After working in various specific projects, the firm today is the first global agreement between the two institutions.

La Caixa last year allocated 4.3 million euros to projects working with the Red Cross as the program incorporates, which provided jobs for 985 people or at risk of exclusion from 461 companies in Spain. The entity headed Isidre Faine also funded projects aimed at combating child poverty, attention to women victims of domestic violence or comprehensive care for people with advanced disease, who treated 1,291 patients and 1,902 families last year.

During the signing of the agreement, Isidre Faine said that collaboration " reaffirms the commitment and La Caixa have Red Cross with the progress of society and the improvement of living conditions." The Spanish Red Cross president, Juan Manuel Suárez del Toro, said the agreement " is born of both entities work done to improve the situation of those groups most in need in this context of crisis."

 Tags: assist, Caixa, Cross, La, plan, Red, vulnerable


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