
Plan on earning 12 college credits at community college.questions?

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Ok so i didn't get accepted into the university I wanted to go to due to academics in highschool so I figure I go to community college and earn 12 college credits, would that be good enough for them to reconsider me? I'm trying to get in my fall 2009.




  1. We need more info. Is this a school that also requires SAT scores you want to transfer to? If yes, how close are your scores to their average? How close were your high school grades? What caliber college are we talking about, an ivy or a average or below?

  2. My suggestion is go to the community college and do all your GE (General Education math, english, ect), it's so much cheaper for the same education. Then transfer as Junior and do your major and upper division courses at the University. In California (where I'm from) there are transfer agreements between the community colleges and the Universities so if you follow the check list you will be guaranteed admission. You might want to look into that where you live.  

  3. It depends on what your high school grades were, your ACT score, and how well you do on those community college classes.

    I think if you make all or mostly A's you'll have a pretty good chance of getting in next year.

    One piece of advice? Apply early next year, don't wait til the last minute.

    Just do your best in these classes and I think you'll have a good shot at it! Good luck with everything!!


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